Alex Szyperek is from Poland but came here when he was 18 months old. He is interested in Chemistry and International Relations. His hobbies include going to galleries throughout New York City, playing soccer, and editing short films. He enjoys editing because it allows him to warp the world in the way he sees it. He hopes to gain a greater appreciation for curatorial work and would like to understand their mindset as he hopes to open his own gallery someday.
I’m Alex Szyperek, a junior at Bard High School Early College Queens, and I’m Marufa Kashman, a senior at Bard High School Early College Manhattan, and we are part of Teen Curators at Hill Art Foundation cohort. On May 7th , 2019, we spoke with Richard Armstrong. Our interview sought to further understand the role museums and collectors play in creating and preserving an artist’s legacy. We discussed different museums and collectors that have helped support and shape Christopher Wool’s legacy–one that still continues to grow. We also touched upon the responsibility of museums to understand and educate their audiences. The goal of a museum is to listen and to be a place for fueling new ideas.