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From Barbara Pollack
A portrait of a man in black suit and blue striped tie, smiling to the camera with his hands in...

ARTnews reviews and speaks with J. Tomilson Hill on his plans for Hill Art Foundation ahead of its opening.

In early 2019 visitors to the High Line, the elevated park that runs through the Chelsea gallery district in New York, will have the rare opportunity to view The Creation of the World and the Expulsion from Paradise, a 1533 stained-glass window painted by Renaissance artist Valentin Bousch. The work, which sits in a window overlooking the park, was once owned by William Randolph Hearst, and is just one of the many pieces that the new Hill Art Foundation will bring to Chelsea when it opens its doors on the second and third floors of the Getty, the 12-story Peter Marino–designed development on West 24th Street.

The Hill Art Foundation is the brainchild of collector J. Tomilson Hill (best known as “Tom”) and his wife, Janine. Read full article here.

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